We will implement the AMR Physical Literacy Program, which brings the Medicine Wheel Teachings, which is an Indigenous-focused oriented system that bring in mind, body, heart, and spirit. Play therapy and somatics help track people’s trauma that hold stories in the body, and release them with Indigenous cultural guidance in sport and with an elder.
A part of this program will be the 4th Annual basketball tournament hosted by the All My Relations Indigenous Women’s team. The gym is provided by Britannia Secondary School and now the Tournament is full with six Women's, eight Men's and 2 Junior All Native basketball teams that are mentored by the AMR Team. That's 220 athletes attending from all over Turtle Island!
Additionally, there will be a youth basketball clinic available, run by All My Relations players who have their NCCP certificates. The objective is to coach, mentor, and build community all year round with the power of sport and Indigenous world views.
Basketball in Indigenous communities brings unity in communities and races alike. The AMR Physical Literacy Program will be year-round and serve 40 Indigenous Women and 35 Indigenous youth from the JANT teams. Our goal is to continue to grow and support our youth, building skills in sport, and developing and maintaining healthy habits and aid in anti-racism.